Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
You are sitting on green grass clutching a mug of hot chocolate and watching the fireworks burst out into the sky. Counting begins as people are waiting for 2008 to finally come. You whisper to your friend sitting next to you and as you say that, think: I am the luckiest person I know!
Anyway, have happy holidays and keep reading for more excitement. Bye!
Fiesta Ware

This is a four piece set and here, is a bonanza!

Happy New Year!
Happy Fiesta Year!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
More Pictures!!!!

This is me at age: 2. I am so cute, aren't I?? I look a lot like Kate somehow. :( I want my own special touch not in personality, I have that, but, in looks. Whatever. Scroll down to see more pictures.
This is me and my dearest mommy. Without her, I'd be lost.
This time, it's Hannah and Elizabeth Busey and Kate and Mummers Peckham/Raphael. I'm not there. Boo hoo.
Now, it's only Mommy, Lisa and Helena. AT a lunch I'm guessing.
This is the last one. It's Kate and I in Tae Kwon do. We are orange belts then but now we are purple. Here is the order so you can keep track: white, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, brown, red, black. As you can see we are not so far along. Too bad. So sad. I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
What's new????

That is me holding a newborn puppy from my grandma's neighbors' dogs' litter. We petted them for a long time and they still had their eyes closed. Kate made a really big deal out of it. There were like nineteen puppies and I wish I could buy one or have one. They were soooooo cute!!!! You might want to be there right now in California but you can't so ha ha! I had that experience and no one else except for the other people that were there. Anyway, I will put more pictures on. Here.
That other picture of the german shepards I find just adorable and here, I have Daisy too!
All dogs are so cute except for ones that are not. Those are bull dogs, and other really big dogs ect. Thank you for reading and looking at my photos. Love ya! Bye!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The Sweet Smell of Christmas
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Sweet Smell of Christmas
"Cakes are baking and presents are being wrapped. Cookies are being iced and candy-canes are being sucked on. Children all over are dressing and rushing through the days until Christmas. Chocolate doors of advent calendars are being opened and the sweet taste is being tasted. Mothers are shaping the dark brown dough of gingerbread men onto cookie dough trays. They are placed in the hot oven and people are waiting. Downstairs mothers are rushing to get wrapping paper for the clothes they shopped for at stores all over the town. Kids are reading books of different Christmas stories and making nice presents for parents or friends. They collect nice shells or pictures, old pictures and make them into collages on frames of pictures that they took. They make cards of all kinds with flaps and pop-ups and tape paper around the gifts they made. Kids go shopping with their friends for little bars of soap or brushes to add on to presents. They take their dirty clothes down to the washer as an early present for their mom. Parents blast Christmas Carols and clean the house for the relatives who are coming. They place more cookies in the oven and pick up toy after toy off the ground. They throw them in the kids’ rooms and ask them to clean them up."
Friday, December 7, 2007
I remember the moment of Kate's arrival in the world so very clearly. Suddenly, there was a new presence in the room, fully aware, highly observant, endlessly fascinating. Not much has changed since then.
Happy Birthday Kate! The next years are going to be so interesting and exciting!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Frosty the Snowman and Delicious Christmas Smells (plus presents!)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Question of the Week
Why aren't people reading this thing?
It's coming close to Christmas and I'm going crazy with cards and presents and other stuff too.
I'm going to ask if I can bake something. Bye!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hey people!!!
If you are in utter shock about the geography bee say I, if you want to know go to: and look for GEOGRAPHY BEE.
Monday, November 26, 2007
On Being Bored
Now I understand that third grade is a hard year, a year of a lot of changes, especially in expectations for the third grader--both in what she expects and what is expected of her. At University School, they even put the third graders in their own hallway (along with the art and music rooms) between the 1st/2nd graders and the back hallway where 4-6 grades are. Now I see that this arrangement makes more sense than I ever understood.
Change is hard. I am only beginning to get a handle on managing change in my life in my 40's. And things seem to change faster for kids than they did when I was a kid. I hope we can all help Anna realize how totally special she is, how great she is at making things happen, how MANY things she makes happen that wouldn't without her (like this blog), and how SHE, with all her amazing powers, can make this year interesting and memorable, even if it doesn't seem like it will be now.
Being Bored
Question of the Week
email me the answer at:
Thanks and good luck!!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Holiday Thoughts (from Mary/Mom)
We leave for California in just three days, and are barely in that mind-frame yet, and not remotely ready in any practical sense. Chris's dad is very sick with late-stage pancreatic cancer, and we hope to spend what time is possible for him, with him.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Puppy (A Story by Anna and Zoe)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Not Just Anna's Blog
Thursday, November 8, 2007
In class we are reading Helen Keller by Margaret Davidson. It's a good book even though I'm only on the third chapter. Helen gets sick and becomes deaf, dumb, and blind and is torturing the baby named Mildred and might be sent away. Anyway, Mr. Keller writes to a school that taught a boy who was both deaf and blind, so the Kellers thought she might be able to learn braille.
More stuff will be written on Stuff #2 which will be happening tomorrow if not before! See you all later. Tootles!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mary/Mom's Turn
We all await Daisy's return to us in the morning. We adopted her at 5 (2 years ago now), and she was already not programmed to be the dog she once might have been, but as Chris says, (in his wonderful usual way) "Daisy, you are My Dog, and so I love you." We all follow his (wonderful usual) example.
I expect that this will be mostly a girls' blog in this household, as the lone wolf of the house tends to be a man of few words (as few of them typed as possible). I hope we will all learn some valuable skills, like how to use Chris's cute little computer camera, perhaps, and how to load photos onto a web page, etc.
It seems appropriate that we begin this blog in NaBloPoMo--National Blog Posting Month (not to be confused with NaNoWriMo--National Novel Writing Month). Too bad we are late for the formal beginning, but that is our (wonderful?) usual way....
Anna's Time the 2nd :)
Hello everyone! I just want you to have the details for Daisy's surgery. She is in the operation room. She tore a ligament while Daddy was walking her when she tore it! Now, with my dad's back stuff he could not pick her up and carry her back so she had to limp all the way back and that only made it worse so she will have yet another torn but replaced ligament when she comes home. Last time she came home with purple stitches and now hopefully pink. Pink and purple are my favorite colors so she will be perfect. I want everybody to know she is alright I think and will be in good care when she comes back. I don't want any offence taken by the vets but she'd rather be here healthy than there sick. So, she will love to be home! Thanks for tuning in to hear the boring story that I needed to blog.