Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today I am in a slump and if you know Dr. Suess' words you'll know that it is very hard to get out a slump so I have been doing things in my dark room with a candle and small desk lamp like reading and doing stupid ol' math and other homework that takes up my un-slumping time, which if you know what I mean, is valuable time. Mrs. Darby chose today, Thursday to give homework on a dark gloomy day and cold, cold day, she choses to show up with bad grades and loads to do. So... What do I do? I go into my room with a cup of hot chocolate and a small Halloween lantern and do that adding and subtracting decimals page and then fall right asleep. My brain stops thinking. I am not actually asleep but I choose to say so. I take a little real nap before ringing my puny bell for Mummers to come and look at my "hard" work. It is right and so I go into her bedroom and feel the warm bumpy laundry on my face while I listen to the lecture of neat handwriting and grades. Sure I listen but I don't want to. I guess the point is we all feel in a slump sometimes so we open up a window on your bright desktop and bring up your blog. I start to sign in when I notice and old second grade paper lying on the desk and pick it up and see how bad a artist I am. I finish signing in and write this long thing. Dinner is ready so I have to go but you stall time and read this thing, k? Bye!!!!

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