Friday, December 7, 2007


I now have a 12-year-old daughter. Several women I have told of Kate's birthday today have said what a very special year 12 was for them. Not yet a teenager, but looking toward a new phase of life, middle school, a whole new set of challenges and abilities. Even though we are sad that Chris is gone in British Columbia for this day, so many people have reached out to let Kate know she is important in her world, with flowers, cupcakes, earrings, presents, phone calls and poems.

I remember the moment of Kate's arrival in the world so very clearly. Suddenly, there was a new presence in the room, fully aware, highly observant, endlessly fascinating. Not much has changed since then.

Happy Birthday Kate! The next years are going to be so interesting and exciting!

1 comment: said...

I add my best wishes, with a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kate!
Anne of Columbia