Sunday, November 18, 2007

Holiday Thoughts (from Mary/Mom)

This morning I am moved to write about the girls' very best side, exhibited by the amount of thought and love and creativity they always display this time of year in the matter of holiday preparations. Both of them are wracking their dear little brains to think up handmade Christmas gifts they can bestow upon their dear family members. We have, since moving to Indiana, spent Thanksgiving with Chris's family and Christmas with mine, and this year may be the last gathering at my folks' home in Sioux Falls, so there will be lots of family to gift. Each girl sets her standard very high: the gifts are to be their own conception, small enough to transport, handmade for each of at least ten extended family members (not counting animals), preferably tailored to each recipient, humanly possible to make in the available time, and ideally something that can actually be used or displayed by the giftee.

We leave for California in just three days, and are barely in that mind-frame yet, and not remotely ready in any practical sense. Chris's dad is very sick with late-stage pancreatic cancer, and we hope to spend what time is possible for him, with him.


Brad said...

Have a great time in California!!!

tompeckham said...

Add my wishes to Aunt Kate's. A Happy Thanksgiving to all!

tompeckham said...
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