Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mary/Mom's Turn

Anna (and Kate) had asked me to help them get a blog going this summer, and in my usual way, I procrastinated, for no particular reason. This morning, Anna (in her wonderful usual way) just made it happen, as she makes so many great things happen in our lives--no fear, no hesitation, cut through and make it happen. So begins our family blog.

We all await Daisy's return to us in the morning. We adopted her at 5 (2 years ago now), and she was already not programmed to be the dog she once might have been, but as Chris says, (in his wonderful usual way) "Daisy, you are My Dog, and so I love you." We all follow his (wonderful usual) example.

I expect that this will be mostly a girls' blog in this household, as the lone wolf of the house tends to be a man of few words (as few of them typed as possible). I hope we will all learn some valuable skills, like how to use Chris's cute little computer camera, perhaps, and how to load photos onto a web page, etc.

It seems appropriate that we begin this blog in NaBloPoMo--National Blog Posting Month (not to be confused with NaNoWriMo--National Novel Writing Month). Too bad we are late for the formal beginning, but that is our (wonderful?) usual way....


Not Just Anna's Blog said...

Oh, I'm going to have to have Anna teach me how to make my heading ORANGE....

Mad Queen said...

How exciting, you have a blog! I like hearing about what is happening in Bloomington. Watching Daisy take her daily walk or two or three was a large part of our life there. Emma loves Daisy... well Emma loves all animals, but especially dogs. Glad to know Daisy is doing better.
Blessings! The Ostlunds