Sunday, December 2, 2007

Why aren't people reading this thing?

What aren't people reading this thing. I am getting ready for Christmas and have no time but when I have a moment I look at blogs and comment. Then, I check ours. Sure there are quick comments from family and friends but this cannot go on like this. So, I'm taking charge. I am going to post like crazy and comment on other people's blogs so much they will freak!! Ha ha. So there! I am a teacher/student/house keeper/Anna Peckham Raphael/present giver and now I will add one more thing. Blog goer crazier! Katie's blog has some interesting thoughts on it about me and other things like Alan and clarinet. This is a family blog though. Get it???

It's coming close to Christmas and I'm going crazy with cards and presents and other stuff too.

I'm going to ask if I can bake something. Bye!

1 comment:

tompeckham said...


Blogs are a strange animal. I've got a friend in Texas who runs a blog that lots of people read. If she doesn't post for several days, people start getting worried. But if she doesn't post for many days, some people check out. (Some, however, just get more worried.) So why am I writing all this. I was pretty good about checking your blog every day, but then around the time of your trip to California, there weren't many posts. I got out of the habit. But now there's more activity again, and I'll try to be better about checking in more regularly.
See you in a couple weeks.

Love, Tom