Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sweet Honey (Okay, I changed the title!!!)

Taylor had a box of milk chocolate filled with caramel, a deck of cards, a cherry chapstick, and a stuffed penguin for her collection. She put the things carefully back into the stocking and lay it down on the floor. Jordan and Dakota had already starting delivering presents to people. Dakota brought a box over to Taylor. "It's heavy!" she complained. Taylor took the box from her and looked at the tag. It read: From Mom and Dad with love. Taylor tore off the ribbon and took the top of the box. In it was a squealing puppy. Taylor was so happy! She jumped up and hugged Mom and Dad. They chuckled. The picked the dog up and cradled it in her arms. It was a Golden Lab puppy. She stroked it and whispered to it. She didn't even notice when Matt stole a piece of her chocolate. The puppy growled at him. Taylor looked up. She saw chocolate smeared all over his face. "Matt!!!" she tattled. She looked down at the puppy. "Good girl!" she praised. The puppy closed her eyes. "What are you going to name her?" asked Brooke. "Honey" answered Taylor. Taylor quickly opened the rest of her presents with sweet thank yous to every gift giver. Then she went into the kitchen and took down a bottle from the shelf, then filled it with warm milk. She fed the bottle to Honey. Then, went into the garage. There was some dog food. She put some in a dish and set it on the floor. Dad had come into the kitchen for more coffee. "You know, we just thought you would need a starter bag of food, but after this one, you're buying everything. Food, toys, books about training dogs and HOUSEBREAKING them. The keyword there being housebreaking. I mean, if the puppy, Honey, if Honey makes a mess, you'll be cleaning it up." With that he got his coffee and left. Taylor groaned and picked up Honey and carried her into the living room again. She let Brooke, Jordan, and Dakota hold her. Then she told all of them to get dressed. She put on a teal long sleeve shirt and sweat-pants. Then, she tied up her Nikes. She put on her puffy coat and looked in the box from Uncle Michael. There was a dog sweater. She put it on Honey along with the leash from Aunt Lucy. When the three cousins were back downstairs, they went outside to walk the dog. When Honey made a poop, Taylor had to clean it up. She tossed it in a dumpster, then they continued on.

4 comments: said...

From "bitter" to "sweet"!
I'm look forward to the next installment, Anna.
XO Anne E. said...

Oops! I meant "looking" rather than "look" in my earlier post.
Going to fast!

XO Anne E. said...

Oops again! I'd better quit for the day. I'm setting bad examples for you.
I meant "too" fast and not "to" fast.

XO Anne Edwards

Not Just Anna's Blog said...

I'm glad TAYLOR picks up after HER puppy! oxoxMOM