Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bitter Brownies

Okay, I will post a little of the story each time, like a chapter or something, and then soon, after everyone has read the story, I will post more. So, here we go, it's called Bitter Brownies by Anna Raphael.

Taylor rushed down the stairs her monkey slippers warming her feet and her bathrobe flying behind her. It was Christmas morning. Her cousins, aunts, uncles, granparents, were all here to celebrate. She was so excited. When she realized that no one was awake yet, Taylor rushed back upstairs. She woke Brooke and Jordan, two of her cousins. They groaned, and then looked up at her. She was grinning broadly. They quickly each got a blanket, which they wrapped around them and socks and followed Taylor downstairs. They knew better than to go into the living room where stockings her hanging filled with candy and toys. They knew better than to peek under the tree, open presents, then re-wrap them. They all went into the kitchen where they discovered Taylor's mom cooking Cinnamon buns a Christmas tradition. She greeted them and they each sat down and turned on the TV. Jordan yawned and reached his arms up to the ceiling stretching. Taylor and Brooke did the same. Soon, Matt came down. Matt was Taylor's older brother. Following him was Michael, Brooke and Jordan's father, Taylor and Matt's uncle. When Theo Matt and Taylor's four-year-old brother toddled into the kitchen, they laughed at his messy hair. But he reached for his sippy-cup of milk sitting on the table. Slowly, Aunt Lucy dragged herself into the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee and taking a drink. Taylor expected everyone to be more excited. After all, it was Christmas morning. Finally, Dad, Aunt Mary, and Dakota came into the kitchen. Uncle Michael and Aunt Lucy were Mom's brother and sister, and Mary was Dad's. Her daughter was Dakota. She was adopted. When everyone had a Cinnamon bun on their plate and either a mug of hot chocolate or coffee, the grown-ups found a chair and the kids sat on the floor of the living room. Then, everyone emptied their stockings.

More soon!

4 comments: said...

I hope it's the Brownies which are bitter, Anna, and not your Peanut Blossoms!
Anne Edwards

Anna JPR said...

Post a comment when you have finished reading the segment. When I get five comments, I will proceed in posting the next segment. Thank you! ~Anna~

Not Just Anna's Blog said...

Oh, what de heck, I'll go on anyways!!!

Not Just Anna's Blog said...

Sorry I was too late to comment. Glad you went on anyway. Love, Mom