Saturday, October 18, 2008

Only Child for the Weekend

While Mama slaves away making pancakes I am writing this blog. Kate has gone on a camping trip in Bellmont WITH indoor plumbing thank you very much. They are staying in a cabin. So, that leaves me with the choice of staying in bed, turning on the light and reading, then getting up, finishing my book and eating! I can also choose to play whatever game I want or watch any movie I want. But those are the pros, here are some cons. It's lonely, there's no one to fight with, and it's sad. I am hoping I will go to Bellmont with my girl scout troop and my family will miss me, but when you're the first child, I guess you just get lucky because your family is paying you back for when the second child was born, but that is from the second child's point of view. Wow, I think that was a run on sentence but I'm too lazy to change it! :-0. Overall, I'm happy but if you are a second child you may feel the same way sometimes, 'cause hey, we all have times when we think negative. If you feel something stirring in your stomach while you read this, if this brings back memories, then know you are one of us... Being, the second child!


1 comment:

tompeckham said...

Just remember that your parents in fact understand. Your mom is a second child, as is your dad if memory serves. (Isn't Uncle Roger a little bit older?) In any event, there are some downsides to being second, but I think they pale in comparison to being first. New parents have to worry about every little thing because they haven't done it before. By the time the second comes around, they tend to be more relaxed. ("Relaxed" could be a euphemism for "lenient".)

Personally, I'm all in favor of third status--especially with a decent space between number two and three. But hey, we can't all be as lucky as I am. Right?

Enjoy the peace for what it is. Love you.
