Saturday, September 13, 2008

4th Grade Update

Well, here's the latest! On Friday we dissected owl pellets. I was partners with Betsy. We both think the owl pellet we took apart had the bones of a bird in it. But, owl typically eat rats and mice, so we weren't sure. We also baked this really yummy bread. We have been baking bread without dairy products so this vegan boy in our class can eat it, and trust me, having this guy in my class can be a pain the rear end!!! Last year, we couldn't have popcorn, we had to have this stuff called Kettle Korn, which in my opinion is the most disgusting. :P. Let's see, some more highlights of my week. Well, I have now been to two cross country meets. I enjoyed the first one, but the second, not so much. Well, for starters there were about 25 teams there, so it made it really long, and it was really more like a blur that ran past you. Then, there was waiting. The award ceremonies were torcher!!!! They repeated the same thing, like a million times! The ground was all mucky from the night before. It had poured rain!!! Also, this isn't really a highlight but here we go... I have reached level seven I believe on Type to Learn. They now do WPM which makes it more likely for me to do the sentence over. So, I have been having to go back and practice many reaches before being permitted to go back to where I left off. This is also torcher. The funny thing is, we are always there in the morning, so when the stupid dumb insane boring tiring pledge of allegiance comes on, you can hear the voice from the computer saying, "e" all the way through. Okay, well that's all 4 now. Please COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!



You will notice that the theme colors of the blog right now are red, white, and green. You will also notice that it is September, and we still have a little while until Christmas. Well, as you all know, I am now in Tri-North Middle School, and yes, we share our colors with Christmas. I just wanted to show a little bit of TEAM SPIRIT!
Not only have I been getting up at 6:00 am and dragging myself to the bus stop, but I have also been participating in Cross Country. Even after just the first day, I knew that I was going to love it and as I expected, I have. I love the girls on the team, and our coach is great. He is very encouraging and supportive and will push us as far as he thinks that we can go. He wants us to always try and win in races, but knows that that we can't always come in first.
Unfortunately, our team is very small and we only have nine girls. However, as the eighth graders are constantly repeating, "This team is a lot faster than last year's which was much bigger." On the subject of being fast, let's go on to meets. Our first meet was against a private school and the girls won by two points 27 to 29. The boys on the other hand lost. (For those of you that don't know, you want to get the lowest score in cross country.)I came in fifth. Our second meet was against three other schools and with a tough course. One of these schools in particular has been a long time rival with Tri-North. We pretty much whooped their butts if I may put it that way. (They had 20 points more!) I came in fourth in this race. Our most recent race, which we just had this morning, was against 22 or 23 other teams. We came in fifth. I came in seventeenth. My friend on the team won all three races. Yes, she beat over 200 girls and won the Eagle Classic Cross Country Race!
I really love cross country. I love running. I love spending time with friends and meeting new potential friends. (Who now are my friends.) On the most boring and exhausting days, (and trust me,with ISTEP testing next week, there will be plenty of those!) the thought of cross country and these people really gets me through. And that is why I have shown some team spirit!