Friday, November 27, 2009

Operation: Benemal

I got a chill. At this time of year, Benemal is reasonably cold. There was a bit of superfluous water in the stream. It flowed through a little canal to a bigger pool. I'm sure the water was quite unclean and unsanitary, but that's the "mal" part in Benemal. I felt weird skipping school. All these adults were looking at me and I knew they knew I was supposed to be in school. I didn't care. I was free. Well, I wasn't as free as I'd like. Someday, I'm going to find a way out of Benemal. I'm going to show everyone. But that's only a dream. A dream is something that happens when you're asleep. People are dumb when they're asleep. I was dumb when I came up with that dream. It's never gonna come true. But even if it did, it wouldn't mean anything because someone who's name means bad found the way out so the place beyond Benemal must be terrible. When that thought popped into my head, I shook it off. Not completely off, because if it was all the way off, I wouldn't be telling you about this. When you shake off a thought, you can shake it off completely or not completely. When you shake it off completely, you can't tell anyone. Maybe you forget. But the devil allows you to forget a thought, meaning you have to pay to the devil. So it makes you forget, and the only reason you don't tell people is because that is the payment you make to the devil. It may seem weird. If you forget, it's impossible to tell people about it. But not so. It's possible. That's one of the many things people 'round here don't know. Forgetting means not being able to think about it anymore. It doesn't mean you don't know how to think about it. That didn't make sense. Things rarely do. If you get me, then you get me. You're lucky. For those of you who think you get me, but you're not really sure, doubt yourself. People are rarely right about me. Not that people every really have interest in me. But if you have no idea, you're better off that way. I wish I didn't know about the devil. Our dad told us. He thinks it's better for us kids to know every nook and cranny, good and bad about this world. He thinks if you crawl into one, we should be able to identify which kind it is. I automatically think bad, but of course, that's my decision. If it's good, then I miss out. But for those who think it's good, and it turns out to be bad, those are the people who fall into the abyss of wrongness. Right, there's no such thing. More like a state of mind. But those people, the nook and cranny finders, get lost in the cranny, and rarely get out alive. Sure nooks and crannies are small and hard to come by, so how can you get lost. Well, I'm sure, once you have finished reading my story, you will understand.

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