Sunday, December 14, 2008

Barbie Makeovers

So, today I gave my long lost barbie a new makeover. I found her in the bin. Her hair was all knotted (see before picture) and she was quite a sight. But, I gave her a bath, brushed her hair, dried her hair and picked out and outfit with matching shoes and a hair bad. Then, I braided her hair. PLUS, I made her a belt and a necklace! Voila! Now I can actually play with her. If you want to try it find a barbie all wrecked up. Then, once you have bathed it, if needed, trim the hair BEFORE drying! Put the hair drier on low and hold far away from hair! Well, good luck! Oh, and remember to take a before and after picture! Post comments please!

1 comment: said...

It looked like poor Barbie was having a particularly bad hair day in your BEFORE picture, Anna.
You did a great job with her

Anne of Columbia