Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break

Wow! If I posted my whole spring break "to do" list, it would take up this whole post. Cleaning out my room, watching a movie a day, getting outside, maybe getting Wii Fit, getting together with lots of people, those are just some of my, and my family's goals. Preferably, I would want to do some of the less labor intensive things, but, having a cleaner room would be nice. When are they going to invent the magic spell that cleans your room? Sure, Cinderella's dress spell was nice, but less useful. All in favor of my preposition, comment yay, or nay, depending on your opinion. Those of you "yayers" you have a little project for spring break. Otherwise, I suggest going to movies, being a couch potato, or doing whatever. Sometimes I consider quitting the violin so I have more free time, but then I consider the effects. Nothing to get mad at my parents about, nothing to do when I don't have anything to do, nothing to procrastinate on, and since 66.6% of my friends play it so, then I would kinda be out of the band wagon. But, I have an idea. I am considering writing a continuous story that will cliffhang after every post. For those of you not knowing what a cliffhanger is, it is a point in a story where you stop abruptly leaving the reader in suspense, wanting more, and hanging. Normally used at the end of chapters. Misused by authors at the end of paragraphs. Then, the reader can just go on! But, tell me your opinion by comment or email, for those of you who have mine. A cliffhanging moment at the end is what keeps the reader going. If, for example you were reading along a story about a girl who is on a dangerous mission to kill the dark lord of Andenevea, and you were ending a chapter and you read: "She climbed a tree and peered ahead, spotting the dark lord. She followed him and plunged a dagger into his back." Although, it seems like it would make the reader want to know if he dies or not, they may see about how many pages they have, and realize, he can't die. The story would end. So, now picture reading this: "Belca scurried up a tree and sat on a branch. Slipping, she lot her balance and was holding on with one hand. Struggling to grip the branch with both hands she twisted in mid-air. She was hanging right over a stream over 8,000,000 feet below her." Ask yourself these questions: Do you want to read more? Do you prefer version A over B or the other way around? Can you predict what will happen next by using common sense or knowledge? Are you bored with the plot? Does the author drone on, or does it get to the heart of the story? You know what? This post should be called Cliffhangers, but I'm lazy. So, Spring Break remains. Anyway, ask yourself those questions and post your answers!!!!!